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Hi, I'm Justin Dormitzer - a New York City based designer and animator on a mission to transport you to other worlds through my work. I hold an MFA degree in Computer Arts at the School of Visual Arts with a focus on motion graphics and experimental art. My approach to art and design is to combine technical expertise with a vivid imagination, resulting in pieces that are both visually striking and sensorily immersive. I enjoy blending traditional and digital mediums to create works that are rich in both texture and color.

You can contact me via email at justin@justdorm.com
or on Instagram @justdorm

Below are some of my personal artworks - including paintings, sculptures and more!

Meeting the Being

3d Render

Portrait of Angela

Oil on Canvas

Self Portrait

Watercolor and Ink

Living Space

3d Render

Life Drawing


Ring of Fire

Jewelry Fabrication

The Big Bad Pig

SFX Mask

Portrait Ring

Lost Wax Jewelry

A Lonely Home

Photography and Photo Manipulation